Work Securely From

Enable secure collaboration at your business with a robust Virtual Desktop Service.

We've built our enterprise grade Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) offering on Microsoft Azure to give our clients superior reliability and performance. Click on one of the links below to explore our DaaS platform, or book a demo with one of our IT consultants.

Experience a SeemlessDigital Workplace

Enjoy uninterrupted access to your applications and data from our Virtual Desktop Service. Our Desktop as a Service offering is a high-performance, user-friendly experience that feels just like your conventional desktop but with superior flexibility.

Access your workspace from any device - be it PC, Mac, iOS, or Android - and stay productive no matter where you need to work from.
Woman in a Data Centre looking at SIP Trunks

Secure Your Business

We know your data is your most valuable asset. That's why our desktop as a service solution is designed with enterprise-grade security measures to keep your business safe. We provide end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication, and robust backup and recovery solutions to protect your data from threats and minimise downtime.

Revolutionise Your Work Environment

Say goodbye to the complexities and costs of managing your own physical desktop infrastructure. Our Desktop as a Service solution allows your business to operate in a flexible, highly reliable cloud environment.

With us, you have the power to scale as needed, accommodate remote teams, and eliminate the hassle of IT infrastructure maintenance.
Woman on phone call
High customer satisfaction for a telco

Your Satisfaction, Our Passion

Supporting your business with Australian account managers, technicians, and engineers.
Customer satisfaction is centre stage in everything we do. We even wrote it on the walls of our office. From your very first interaction with us we’ll be working relentlessly to keep you happy, and keep your infrastructure running smoothly.
  • We offer a full service onboarding experience to every client, making sure that your business gets what it needs from day one.
  • With a dedicated account manager for every client you won’t ever feel overlooked  or forgotten about.
  • With an average tenure of 7.5 years our staff will know your business as well as they know our own, retaining the knowledge, experience, and skills to fulfil your telephony needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Desktop as a Service Work?

How do we ensure high quality video calls on DaaS?

How does Desktop as a Service improve security?

What devices are compatible with DaaS?

How does Desktop as a Service reduce my business costs?

Can I use a Windows virtual desktop service from a Mac?

What is Desktop as a Service (DaaS)?

What is the difference between DaaS and RDP?

How much does Desktop as a Service cost?

Where will my business's data be stored?

Ready to Try Our Desktop as a Service Product?

Our solutions have been built to deliver value to businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a small, agile startup, or a nationwide corporate we will offer you the same customer obsessed levels of service. Our services are built to scale. You can add or remove sites, licences and extension in tandem with your business’s requirements.

Trusted to drive our clients forward.
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Book your free strategy session.

Wanting to have a larger conversation about your IT environment? Spend some time with one of our experts and walk away with a plan to get your IT environment on track.